Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Rooms sizes

These are the measurements all all flats needed for the set. We marked them out as A, B, C etc so we can work out which wall is what when building. We worked out the measurements and how many of each flat we would need. This diagram shows the letters for each asigned wall.
A = 2@4'
B = 1'6" , 2'6"(H), 2@4
F = 2' (H), 2'(F), 2@4', 2'
C = 2', 2'6"(H), 2@4', 3'6"
D = 2@3' , 2', 2@2' (H) ,2@2' (F)
E = 2@2' , 2@4' , 2@1' , Fireplace wall
G = 4@3'6", 2@5'(H)

H= header, F= footer

amount of each
4' = 10
3'6" = 5
3' = 2
2'= 5
1'6" = 1
1 = 2

5' = 2
2'6 = 1
2' = 3

2' = 3

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