Thursday, 31 March 2011

Tutorial 31/3/2011

Today we had a tutorial with simon and andy. We looked at out maquette of the 2 rooms and we all came up with some better ideas by expanding on what we already have. Simon and andy had used lighting on our maquette to photograph it in different ways to show how the light would seep in to create a certain effect, so this is something we will  further think about. We decided to scrap the idea of adding suttle hints of bugs into the furniture but instead we decided to add other bug hints in the living room such as scratches, slime and any other substance that the beetle could produce. We also decided that living room should have the kind of pristine look about it, like the mother has been constantly cleaning to try and get rid of any of gregors presence from the room. So we will make all the furniture worn out yet it will be extremely clean and even shiny on certain pieces of furniture such as the dining table to show that it has been cleaned constantly. Furniture in gregors room will have elements of the beetler being round, such as the chair under the window could have bent legs and shaped to fit the bug like it has buckled under his weight, we will make sure that the furniture is all crooked and moved about to show it has been lived in by a bug. Our ideas are finally coming together and we will all be creating a concept idea of how we want the rooms to look that we can show the rest of the group for monday.

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